A step by step tutorial with relevant screenshots in order to connect your Facebook Messenger with Simple ChatBot Rules!
Copy it and then go on the Settings page of the Simple Chatbot site
In this screen you also have to insert the name you choose for your new app (during step 2) at the "Verify Token" field. This fiels is used once at steup
You have to copy "Verify Token" and paste it to webhook relevant field!
Together with our CallBack URL are these three elements that creates the connection bridge with Facebook Messenger!
Your CallBack URL, Verification Token and the top three checkboxes in order to pass verification process and make the connection with your Fan Page Messenger!
So, go back to simple-chatbot.com to copy your CallBack URL and save your settings page with a Verification Token you select (ex. simplechatbot)
You can unsubscribe your application at anytime by pressing the button Unsubscribe
You have to publish your app and make it public in order to answer to your clients!
Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.
This is a totaly free package - no payment.
CHFThis is a yearly recurring payment.
CHFThis is a yearly recurring payment.
CHFThis is a monthly recurring payment.